Project Description

The Business of Catering (TBC) has been a Webinvent client since 2007 and as their business grew from strength to strength they needed to update and re-design their website. They needed a website to showcase their extensive menus and services with photos of the food playing an important part. They have a strong social responsibility ethic as well as many charity efforts, which are shared via their online news pages and blog. Mailchimp newsletter integration is therefore an important aspect of this very large project.

After brainstorming session with Mark Shaw and Lee-Ann Laufs we developed their unique wordpress theme. The home page features boxes designed with wp boxer pro and we built the quote request and various order forms with the premium wp plugin Gravity Forms. TBC use Mailchimp to communicate with their database of clients and we have integrated this with the latest news blog. Additional wp plugins: All in one Favicon, BackUpWordPress, Collapse-O-Matic, Column Shortcodes, Custom Post Templates, Facebook Like Box, Front Page Exclude Categories, Social Sharing Toolkit, Widgets on Pages, WP Customer Reviews and WP Photo Album Plus.
TBC ranks on page one of Google for Catering in their region.